Editor in Chief Davide Cappello Marketing Management Ercin Filizli Art Director & Graphic Design Patrick Uhle, Oliver Preuss, Marissa Maghavipata Artist Presenter Marco Alber Fashion Director & Editor Sabine Berlipp Text Editor Uwe Buschmann Editing & Translation Silvia Strauch Beauty Editor Walter Denechere Web Editor & Programming Christoph Grimm, June Krentz
Do you want to be featured on SALVE Magazine?
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Image size: at least a width of 1050px by 300dpi
Colorspace: RGB
File format: JPG or TIFF
Content: ZIP file containing team and styling credits
Submit to photo@salve-magazine.de
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As a contributor, all the images you submit for any post of SALVE Magazine must be copyright free. The submitted works must be all done by yourself and you must be the authentic copyright holder. If which ever submission(s) get involved with any copyright entanglement because of the above, your eligibility will automatically be revoked. You will be responsible for all the legal consequences regardless of SALVE Magazine’s awareness or not.
In order to achieve a better page layout design, SALVE Magazine also has the right to use, enlarge, reduce and/or crop the original photograph.
Not all the submitted stories are guaranteed to be covered or featured in this publication. Editors reserve all rights on the selection.